The Acropolis of Tieion
Bartın Üniversitesi, Arkeoloji Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Müdürlüğü, Bartın/ TÜRKİYE
Keywords: Black Sea, Greek Colonization, Phryg, Acropolis, Oikist.
The ancient city of Tieion is located on the western region of the Southern Black Sea littoral, next to the Billaos river (Filyos) which was considered as the border between Bithynia and Paphlagonia. It is known as a Milesean colony, which was founded in the second half of the seventh century BC. It is believed that this colony was founded by a priest called Tios in the 7th century BC. Ionian pottery, excavated on the acropolis of Tieion, dated to the 7th/6th Century BC confirms the written sources that Miletus was the founder of the city. As a harbour city Tieion was situated on the sea route of the Black Sea trading with fish, wine and grain. Tieion looks like a typical Roman city with the breakwater of the ancient harbor, the temple in the acropolis, baths, aqueducts and theater.
As a result of the recent archaeological excavations carried out in the vicinity of the acropolis, the ruins of various buildings belonging to the foundation periods of the city were encountered. These structures which were formed by the underground pits that have meshed stone masonry within, constitutes round, oval and rectangular forms. During the studies conducted in and around these structures; the Middle Wild Goat II style ceramics which dating to the last quarter of the 7th century BC and the local productions in dark gray, black and brown wares some of which handmade were also uncovered. Therewithal in the archaeological strata located just below the colonial levels, the terracotta horse figurine fragments dated to the Late Geometric Period and a large amount of local pottery samples were obtained. Thus, the concrete evidences on Greek Colonization of the Southern Black Sea have been acquired.