ISSN: 0041-4255
e-ISSN: 2791-6472

Togay Seçkin Bi̇rbudak

Keywords: 1853-1856 Ottoman-Russian (Crimean) War, Ottoman State, Russia, Austria, Romanian principalities (Wallachia-Moldovia), international relations


The Crimean War, occured between 1853-1856, has become a battle which initially started between the Ottoman Empire and Russia but get involved in by England, France and Piyomente in the following years in favor of the Ottoman. In this process, it is possible to say that although Austria and Prussia, other important powers in Europe, did not go to war in the company of the Ottoman Empire, they stood politically close to the Ottoman Empire. Especially Austria made attempts to make Russia sit down at the negotiating table and at insuring reasonable armistice conditions throughout the war; but not satisfi ed with that, it was included in the struggle in the north of Danube by concluding an alliance agreement with the Ottoman Empire for relieving the territories of Moldavia and Wallachia, which fell within the sovereignty area of the Ottoman Empire but were occupied by Russia from the beginning of the war. Thanks to this close relationship established between the Ottoman Empire and Austria during the years of war, Russia's possibility of fi nding an ally in Europe to keep up the war disappeared, and Russia had to struggle against almost the whole Europe either in the battlefi eld or in the fi eld of diplomacy. Furthermore, upon agreement dated on June 14, 1854 concluded between two countries, principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, which were dependent on the Ottoman Empire but had been occupied by Russia from the very fi rst day of the war, were taken in hand by Austrian troops after Russian soldiers retreated and were kept until the end of the war. Moreover, Vienna acted as the centre of diplomacy in the negotiations between the parties throughout the Crimean War and arranged negotiations both in July 1853 and in March 1855. As a matter of fact, protocol dated on February 1, 1856 ending the confl icts was also concluded in Vienna. All these developments confront us as the outline of the direct or indirect political togetherness between the Ottoman Empire and Austria during the Crimean War. The study handles the relations between the Ottoman Empire and Austria during the Crimean War years. Within this framework, it focuses on the stance taken by the Austrian government in the face of the outbreak of the Ottoman-Russian War, attempts at giving an end to the war and diplomatic contacts in Vienna, OttomanAustrian Agreement dated on June 13, 1854 concluded in the name of saving the Romanian principalities occupied by Russia in the north of Danube, and the developments experienced based on this agreement.