ISSN: 0041-4255
e-ISSN: 2791-6472

İsmail E. Erünsal

Keywords: Ottoman, Library System, 1752-1839, History


The reign of Mahmud I ( 1730-1754) established the independent library as the norm . The reigns of his five successors, Osman III (1754- 1757), Mustafa III (1757-1774), Abdülhamid I (1774-1789), Selim III (1789-1807) and Mahmud II (1808-1839) , were to see the spread of independent libraries not only in Istanbul but also in the provinces as well. Apart from the libraries he established, Mahmud I, had also begun to build his mosque complex in the well-established tradition of imperial endowment. He chose a site to the south of the Kapalıçarşı (covered bazar) which was close to many of the existing colleges. The mosque is quite unusual for its rococo style and shows definite European influences.