ISSN: 0041-4255
e-ISSN: 2791-6472

Serhat Aslaner

Keywords: Second Constitution, Ottoman Chamber of Deputies, Turkish Political Tradition, Turkish Political Elite, Tyranny, Kastamonu Deputy Şükrü Efendi, Bursa Deputy Ömer Fevzi Efendi, Konya Deputy Mustafa Lütfi Efendi, Üsküp Deputy Said Efendi, Sivas Deputy Hüsnü Beyefendi, Tokat Deputy Hafız Mustafa Sabri Efendi, Preveze Deputy Azmi Beyefendi, Mamuretülaziz Deputy Asım Bey Efendi


This study is composed of the transcription of the work titled Mebusan-ı Kıramın Tercüme-i Hal ve Sergüzeştleri(1908) by İbnü'r Raci Nuri into Latin alphabet and an introduction written for it. The copy of the text in hand, which was unable to take the attention of the concerned literature during the period, aims to give the life stories of the fırst Deputies in the Second Constitutional Era by focusing on politics and dealing with 8 Deputies. ln the introduction part of the article, as a result of the inducement of this work, the argument that the biographical works are signifıcant tools in understanding and explaining the Ottoman/Republican political tradition is supported through the samples in the book and others in general.