ISSN: 0041-4255
e-ISSN: 2791-6472

Melih Arslan

Keywords: Museum of Usak, Countermarked Cistophoric, Archaeology, Tetradrachms of Side, Hoard


This hoard, on display at the Museum of Usak, consists of 19 tetradrachms. It was found in 1995 in the province of Afyon, district of Sandıklı, town of Hocalar, at a hüyük named Dolay (site of the ancient city of Diokleia in Phrygia). Ten of the 19 coins are countermarked: eight with a bow in its case, symbol used by the Kingdom of Pergamum, and two with a ship's anchor, symbol employed by the Kingdom of Syria. Another characteristic of this hoard is that 14 coins have the monograms of various magistrates responsible for striking the coinage. On the obverse is the head of Athena right, wearing a helmet; on the reverse, Nike walking left and carrying a wreath. In addition, on the reverse are the pomegranate, symbol of Side, and various magistrates' monograms. Coins with these types began to be minted by the city of side in 205 B.C. The hoard is composed of two groups struck early in this series (205-200 B.C. and 200-190 B.C.): that is, during its first 15 years. Nine of the ten countermarks are on the obverse. Only on coin no. 1 is the countermark of Seleukos (anchor) on the reverse. In the round cistophoric countermarks on these coins of Side are letters which constitute the abbreviation of the names of the cities that struck them. Five these cities are in the kingdom of Pergamon. 1. (Pergamon-Mysia), 2. (Apameia-Phrygia), 3. (Laodikeia-Phrygia), 4. (Sala-Lydia), 5. (Synnada-Phrygia).