ISSN: 0041-4255
e-ISSN: 2791-6472

Tülay Meti̇n

Keywords: Amir Najm ad-Din Ilghazi, Artuqids, Crusaders, Antioch Crusader Principality, Afrin Victory, The Field of Blood, Aleppo


Amir Najm ad-Din Ilghazi is the founder and the fi rst ruler of Mardin Artuqids. The time when Ilghazi came to the stage of history dates back to the years of establishment of crusade principalities in Southeast Anatolia and the Eastern Mediterranean coast. The Crusaders established relationships with the principalities and states in this region. By the time, the Crusaders' relationship with the Muslims was in a form of fi ght of Muslims against the crusader entity. The Artuqids were one of the most important forces that the Crusaders had relationship with and had to struggle against. Especially against the crusaders living in Urfa and Antioch, the Artuqids sometimes struggled themselves, sometimes allied with other Turkish amirs. In the Artuqid-Crusade battles, Artuqids often defeated the Crusaders. In terms of his success against the Crusaders, Artuqid Amir Ilghazi is an important mujahideen and leader. His struggle against the Crusaders began in 1105 and continued until his death in 1122. His struggle against the Crusaders gained momentum after he gained dominance of Mardin and Aleppo. The most important event and success in Ilghazi's life was his victory in Afrin against Antioch crusade leader Roger of Salerno, which is known as The Field of Blood in western literature. His victory created a great pleasure in the world of Islam while it was a great disaster for the Christian world. Ilgâzi, who stood like a great wall in front of the Crusaders, prevented them from going into Aleppo, by packing them in the Syrian border. In this research, the fi ght of Najm ad-Din Ilghazi against the Crusaders is examined by focusing on Afrin victory specifi cally, and in general scope, an important period of Turk-Crusader fi ghts is studied in detail. In addition, it is aimed to make a clear explanation of the balance of powers in the region and in the era dating back the early XIIth century based on the sources.