ISSN: 0041-4255
e-ISSN: 2791-6472

Murat Yıldız

Keywords: Bagcha, khass bagcha, bostanji, the khass bagcha of Sultaniye


The Khass Bagchas were gardens which built for having a good time and relaxation of sultans in Ottoman State. There was a lot of khass bagcha firstly the baghca in the Yenisaray and the Bosporus, the Golden Horn, Edirne, Bursa, Amasya and Manisa. The khassbagcha of Sultaniye which was one of these gardens was built by Bayezid II. This garden which locate between Paşabahçe ile Beykoz was indebted its real development to Süleyman I and Murad III. This garden where the one of largest gardens of the Bosporus, attracted attention with its simplicity.In where was organized activities like hunting, jereed, wooden ball, wrestling, marksmanship, musicale and banquet. Above the garden which lost its importance beginning from the second half of 19th century, was built some buildings like school, stadium, glass factory with time. The other part of garden had worked up into park.