ISSN: 0041-4255
e-ISSN: 2791-6472

Koray Toptaş

Keywords: Dowry, Akaddian, Cuneiform, Marriage


The dowry is an important tradition in the marriage process. Dowry is a marriage gift given by fathers to their married daughter at the present time. However dowry is interpreted as giving a share of the inheritance to the father's daughter as well as being a gift in some cuneiform Akkadian documents. At the same time, it is understood from the text (the written documents) that, fathers make sometimes an agreement with the male side (the family of male) in order to determine the content of the dowry and to protect the rights of his daughter on the dowry. The woman, who left her father's house with her dowry, had the right to use the dowry during her life and the dowry was transferred as an inheritance to her children at the time of her death.The fact that this issue was frequently mentioned in the old times, the texts of the law and the private records of the civilian population shows that the issue has caused both legal and social problems. Dowry was named as "šeriktum" and "nudunnûm" in cuneiform Akkadian resources. To focus on this issue in the written laws of the state and the public's private archives had probably the aim of protecting the womes who owned the dowry.