1875 Revolution of Herzegovina in the Spanish Embassy Reports
Tufan Turan
Keywords: Ottoman Empire, Spain, Herzegovina, revolution, diplomacy, international politics, embassy
The revolution which took part in Nevesin, Herzegovina in 1875 spread out to almost all parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina within a short period because of the inanition of the Ottoman Government. While the revolution was spreading out, hesitating from the entrance of Serbia and Montenegro to the revolution and refraining from the anxiety of the major European powers, the Ottoman Government, had not used power in order to suppress the revolution and this policy end up with the internalization of the trouble. Spanish ambassadors in Istanbul, Wien, Berlin and St. Petersburg, by means of their reports from the beginning of the revolution, informed their respective government about the progress of the rebellion of Herzegovina. In this study, it is aimed to present how these ambassadors describe and comment on the incidents about the rebellion in their reports. In this framework, 32 ambassador reports which have been determined in the Archive of Spanish Ministry of Foreign Aff airs will be investigated.