ISSN: 0041-4255
e-ISSN: 2791-6472

Atatürk'te Namık Kemal'in Etkisi ve Abdülhamit Döneminde Yasak Kitaplara İlişkin İki Belge

Yahya Akyüz

Issue: October 1981, Volume 45 - Issue 180 Pages: 501-512 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1981.501
14974 1311

The Role of Christian Minorities in Efforts by the Great Powers to Dismember the Ottoman Empire

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: December 1985, Volume 49 - Issue 195 Pages: 657-666
1193 729

Search for a Probable Linguistic and Cultural Kinship Between the Turkish People of Asia and the Native Peoples of Americas

Polat Kaya

Issue: December 1986, Volume 50 - Issue 198 Pages: 650-678 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1986.650
3317 2847

Contributions of Muslim Turks to Geography

N. Akmal Ayyubi

Issue: April 1987, Volume 51 - Issue 199 Pages: 67-74 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1987.67
660 897

How Colonel T.E. Lawrence Deceived the Hashemite Arabs to revolt against the Ottoman Empire. In the Light of Secret British Documents

Sâlahi R. Sonyel

Issue: April 1987, Volume 51 - Issue 199 Pages: 256-280 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1987.256
9559 1434

The Turco-Armenian 'Adana Incidents' in the Light of Secret British Documents (July 1908-December 1909)

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: December 1987, Volume 51 - Issue 201 Pages: 1291-1338 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1987.1291
1494 968

What is the Bulgarian Government Trying to Prove by Denying the Historical Facts?

Mehmet Saray

Issue: April 1988, Volume 52 - Issue 202 Pages: 183-194 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1988.183
797 769

Turkish Involvement in Some International Disputes

Yılmaz Altuğ

Issue: April 1989, Volume 53 - Issue 206 Pages: 259-360 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1989.259
976 777

The Development of Theological Studies in Turkey

Neşet Çağatay

Issue: April 1990, Volume 54 - Issue 209 Pages: 355-364 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1990.355
792 645

P. Ovidius Naso'nun Tanrıları Aşk Elegeia'sı Şiirlerinde Kullanımı

Mehmet Özaktürk

Issue: August 1990, Volume 54 - Issue 210 Pages: 591-602 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1990.591
1426 681

The Main Features of the Seljuk, the Beylik and the Ottoman Bridges of the Turkish Anatolian Architecture From the XII th to the XVI th Centuries

Fügen İlter

Issue: August 1993, Volume 57 - Issue 219 Pages: 481-494 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1993.481
1981 1952

Meskhetinsky Turks Under the Conditions of the Modern Etnhic Processes in the USSR

E. Kh. Panesh, L. B. Ermolov

Issue: August 1993, Volume 57 - Issue 219 Pages: 589-608 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1993.589
656 609

Son Dönemde Karahisar-ı Sahib Medreseleri ve Islâh-ı Medâris Uygulaması

Nesimi Yazıcı

Issue: December 1994, Volume 58 - Issue 223 Pages: 635-658 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1994.635
3349 830

Lykia-Kabalia-Pisidia Bölgesinden Roma Dönemi "Dioskurlar ve Tanrıça" Kabartmaları

İnci Delemen

Issue: August 1995, Volume 59 - Issue 225 Pages: 295-322 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1995.295
2055 930

İmparatorluk Tanrısı Amon

Mürüvvet Kurhan

Issue: December 1995, Volume 59 - Issue 226 Pages: 449-582 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1995.449
38917 1633

How The Turks of the Peloponnese were Exterminated During the Greek Rebellion?

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: April 1998, Volume 62 - Issue 233 Pages: 121-136 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1998.121
11106 3693

Prof. Dr. Masao Mori'nin Anısına

Mücteba İlgürel

Issue: August 1998, Volume 62 - Issue 234 Pages: 613-616 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1998.613
1181 657

Die "Keramische Imitation Einer Metallenen Schnabelkanne" aus dem Gebiet der Westlichen Pisidischen seen

Halime Hüryılmaz

Issue: December 1998, Volume 62 - Issue 235 Pages: 719-726 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1998.719
464 560

Bulgaristan'da Prenslik Döneminde Türklerin Sosyal ve Siyasal Kurumlaşma Çalışmaları

Ömer Turan

Issue: April 2000, Volume 64 - Issue 239 Pages: 89-100 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2000.89
3434 1042

JOHN COVEL, Dr. John Covel Voyages en Turquie 1675-1677, Texte établi, annoté et traduit par Jean-Pierre Grélois avec une préface de Cyril Mango, Paris 1998 437 Sayfa. Dizi başlığı: Realités Byzantines 6. [A.VI/655] [Kitap Tanıtımı]

Mahmut H. Şakiroğlu

Issue: April 2000, Volume 64 - Issue 239 Pages: 239-240
1246 776