ISSN: 0041-4255
e-ISSN: 2791-6472

Die Gründung der Türkischen Republik. Anfang der Reformen Kemal Atatürks

Gotthard Jäschke

Issue: October 1973, Volume 37 - Issue 148 Pages: 471-474 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1973.148-471
572 557

Early Works of the Architect Sinan

Aptullah Kuran

Issue: October 1973, Volume 37 - Issue 148 Pages: 545-556 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1973.148-545
800 720

The Southeast Anatolian Prehistoric Project and its Significance for Culture History

Halet Çambel

Issue: July 1974, Volume 38 - Issue 151 Pages: 361-378 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1974.151-361
642 1079

Early Ottoman Monuments in Bulgarian Thrace

Machiel Kıel

Issue: October 1974, Volume 38 - Issue 152 Pages: 635-656 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1974.152-635
910 1146

İnalcık'ın "The Ottoman Empire : The Classical Age 1300 - 1600" Adlı Eserinin Yankıları [Kitap Tanıtımı]

Şadan Karadeniz

Issue: October 1974, Volume 38 - Issue 152 Pages: 767-770
1261 1022

Ottoman Okka Weights

Nancy S. Pyle

Issue: January 1977, Volume 41 - Issue 161 Pages: 115-124 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1977.115
1547 1182

Uluslararası IX. Prehistuvar ve Protohistuvar Bilimleri Kongresi

Issue: January 1977, Volume 41 - Issue 161 Pages: 191-192
593 600

Kitaplardan Haber [Kitap Tanıtımı]

Şadan Karadeniz

Issue: October 1978, Volume 42 - Issue 168 Pages: 781-786
0 785

Kitaplardan Haber [Kitap Tanıtımı]

Şadan Karadeniz

Issue: April 1979, Volume 43 - Issue 170 Pages: 517-522
0 685

Turkish Contributions to Scientific Work in Islam

Aydın Sayılı

Issue: October 1979, Volume 43 - Issue 172 Pages: 715-738 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1979.715
1562 804

A Proposal for Research on Indo - Turkish Relations

N. Akmal Ayyubi

Issue: January 1982, Volume 46 - Issue 181 Pages: 67-72 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1982.67
1143 1046

Hukûmet and Devlet

Bernard Lewıs

Issue: April 1982, Volume 46 - Issue 182 Pages: 415-422 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1982.415
750 910

George Sarton and the History of Science

Aydın Sayılı

Issue: April 1983, Volume 47 - Issue 186 Pages: 499-526 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1983.499
1260 840

A Possible Influence, in the Field of Physiological Optics, of Ibn Sînâ on Ibn Al - Haytham

Aydın Sayılı

Issue: July 1983, Volume 47 - Issue 187 Pages: 665-676 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1983.665
1302 757

A Review of Portuguese and Turkish Sources for the Ottomans in Arabia and the Indian Ocean in the 16th Century

Salih Özbaran

Issue: April 1985, Volume 49 - Issue 193 Pages: 65-78 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1985.65
2117 1106

Richard G. Hovannisian on Lieutenant Robert Steed Dunn

Heath W. Lowry

Issue: August 1985, Volume 49 - Issue 194 Pages: 335-356 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1985.335
1177 1030

Geopolitics and Historical Correlations Thereof

Suat İlhan

Issue: December 1985, Volume 49 - Issue 195 Pages: 625-646
770 2438

The Role of Christian Minorities in Efforts by the Great Powers to Dismember the Ottoman Empire

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: December 1985, Volume 49 - Issue 195 Pages: 657-666
1297 772

Search for a Probable Linguistic and Cultural Kinship Between the Turkish People of Asia and the Native Peoples of Americas

Polat Kaya

Issue: December 1986, Volume 50 - Issue 198 Pages: 650-678 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1986.650
3632 2894

Contributions of Muslim Turks to Geography

N. Akmal Ayyubi

Issue: April 1987, Volume 51 - Issue 199 Pages: 67-74 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1987.67
691 934