ISSN: 0041-4255
e-ISSN: 2791-6472

Yerkurgan Merkez Tapınağı Arkeolojik Kazı ve Konservasyon Çalışması (Özbekistan/Kaşkaderya)

İbrahim Çeşmeli̇

Issue: December 2019, Volume 83 - Issue 298 Pages: 807-816 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2019.807
1410 1270

İlk Tunç Çağı Çanak-Çömlek Üretiminde Uzmanlaşma: Güneybatı Kapadokya’nın Uzmanlaşmış Üretim Örgütlenmesine İlişkin Yorumlar

Abdullah Hacar

Issue: August 2020, Volume 84 - Issue 300 Pages: 459-502 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2020.459
3714 1587

Uluslararası IX. Prehistuvar ve Protohistuvar Bilimleri Kongresi

Issue: January 1977, Volume 41 - Issue 161 Pages: 191-192
413 427

Pectorale aus Urartu

Hans-jörg Kellner

Issue: July 1977, Volume 41 - Issue 163 Pages: 481-494 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1977.481
637 563

Kitaplardan Haber [Kitap Tanıtımı]

Şadan Karadeniz

Issue: April 1979, Volume 43 - Issue 170 Pages: 517-522
0 462

Turkish Contributions to Scientific Work in Islam

Aydın Sayılı

Issue: October 1979, Volume 43 - Issue 172 Pages: 715-738 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1979.715
915 576

George Sarton and the History of Science

Aydın Sayılı

Issue: April 1983, Volume 47 - Issue 186 Pages: 499-526 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1983.499
642 619

A Possible Influence, in the Field of Physiological Optics, of Ibn Sînâ on Ibn Al - Haytham

Aydın Sayılı

Issue: July 1983, Volume 47 - Issue 187 Pages: 665-676 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1983.665
814 551

Richard G. Hovannisian on Lieutenant Robert Steed Dunn

Heath W. Lowry

Issue: August 1985, Volume 49 - Issue 194 Pages: 335-356 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1985.335
839 772

Geopolitics and Historical Correlations Thereof

Suat İlhan

Issue: December 1985, Volume 49 - Issue 195 Pages: 625-646
425 2181

The Role of Christian Minorities in Efforts by the Great Powers to Dismember the Ottoman Empire

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: December 1985, Volume 49 - Issue 195 Pages: 657-666
735 532

Contributions of Muslim Turks to Geography

N. Akmal Ayyubi

Issue: April 1987, Volume 51 - Issue 199 Pages: 67-74 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1987.67
465 674


Melek Delilbaşı

Issue: April 1987, Volume 51 - Issue 199 Pages: 102-106 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1987.102
569 520

How Colonel T.E. Lawrence Deceived the Hashemite Arabs to revolt against the Ottoman Empire. In the Light of Secret British Documents

Sâlahi R. Sonyel

Issue: April 1987, Volume 51 - Issue 199 Pages: 256-280 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1987.256
5671 1127

An Outline of Islamic Law and Different Applications of Some of its Rules by the Ottomans

Neşet Çağatay

Issue: August 1987, Volume 51 - Issue 200 Pages: 637-650 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1987.637
648 481

The Ḳatif District (Livā) During the First Few Years of Ottoman Rule: A Study of the 1551 Ottoman Cadastral Survey

Mehmet Mehdi İlhan

Issue: August 1987, Volume 51 - Issue 200 Pages: 781-798 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1987.781
558 463

A Unique Dagger From İkiztepe

Önder Bilgi

Issue: December 1987, Volume 51 - Issue 201 Pages: 1113-1116 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1987.1113
0 277

The Turco-Armenian 'Adana Incidents' in the Light of Secret British Documents (July 1908-December 1909)

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: December 1987, Volume 51 - Issue 201 Pages: 1291-1338 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1987.1291
1009 788

What is the Bulgarian Government Trying to Prove by Denying the Historical Facts?

Mehmet Saray

Issue: April 1988, Volume 52 - Issue 202 Pages: 183-194 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1988.183
553 589

A Newly Discovered Translation of At'Tasrif, "Zahrâvi 'İlm-i Cerrah"

İlter Uzel

Issue: August 1988, Volume 52 - Issue 203 Pages: 453-460 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1988.453
470 823