ISSN: 0041-4255
e-ISSN: 2791-6472

Turkish Involvement in Some International Disputes

Yılmaz Altuğ

Issue: April 1989, Volume 53 - Issue 206 Pages: 259-360 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1989.259
714 639

The Development of Theological Studies in Turkey

Neşet Çağatay

Issue: April 1990, Volume 54 - Issue 209 Pages: 355-364 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1990.355
573 500

The Protégé System in the Ottoman Empire and its Abuses

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: December 1991, Volume 55 - Issue 214 Pages: 675-686 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1991.675
0 490

The United States Of America's Policies Towards Turkish Straits

Yılmaz Altuğ

Issue: April 1992, Volume 56 - Issue 215 Pages: 167-200 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1992.167
1306 1079

Determinats of Turkish Foreign Policy, 1918-1945 : Historical Perspective

Oya Akgönenç Mughisuddin

Issue: April 1993, Volume 57 - Issue 218 Pages: 249-270 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1993.249
0 1272

The Attitude of British High Commissioner Sir Horace Rumbold Towards the Turkish National Movement, 1920-1923

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: April 1994, Volume 58 - Issue 221 Pages: 185-210 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1994.185
579 1414

Turco-Armenian Relations And British Propaganda During The First World War

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: August 1994, Volume 58 - Issue 222 Pages: 381-450 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1994.381
792 1399

Fascist Italy’s 'Mare Nostrum' Policy and Turkey

Yücel Güçlü

Issue: December 1999, Volume 63 - Issue 238 Pages: 813-846 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1999.813
3861 893

Türkiye Selçukluları Devrinde Türkçe'nin Resmî Dil Olmasını Kim Kabul Etti?

Erdoğan Merçil

Issue: April 2000, Volume 64 - Issue 239 Pages: 51-58 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2000.51
26302 2091

Kilikia-Aigeai Baskılı 3.Gordianus'un Ünik Sikkesi

Melih Arslan

Issue: August 2000, Volume 64 - Issue 240 Pages: 415-418 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2000.415
1077 573

A Building Type of the Burdur Region From the Neolithic Period

Gülsün Umurtak

Issue: December 2000, Volume 64 - Issue 241 Pages: 683-706 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2000.683
671 660

The Basic Principles and Practices of the Turkish Foreign Policy Under Atatürk

Yücel Güçlü

Issue: December 2000, Volume 64 - Issue 241 Pages: 949-968 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2000.949
3447 1304

Hint Biliminin Günümüz Bilimine Katkılarının Kısa Bir Değerlendirmesi

Esin Kahya, İnci Macun

Issue: April 2001, Volume 65 - Issue 242 Pages: 63-74 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2001.63
15344 1472

Turks and Indians on the Margins of Europe

William O'reılly

Issue: April 2001, Volume 65 - Issue 242 Pages: 243-256 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2001.243
757 620

Hintli Bir İktisatçının Tarihte Özgürlük Arayışı: Amartya Sen'in Hindistan'da Türk Hakimiyetine Dair Tespitleri

Fatih Bayram

Issue: April 2013, Volume 77 - Issue 278 Pages: 89-108 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2013.89
0 688

The Contribution of the Turkish Historical Society to the First Stage of the Governmental Program for the Protection of Monuments in Edirne (1933-1941): Preservation Policies and Ideology in the Representation of Architectural Heritage

Giorgio Gasco

Issue: August 2012, Volume 76 - Issue 276 Pages: 673-690 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2012.673
0 772

The Other Geography: Representations of the Turkish Landscape in English Travel Writings

Himmet Umunç

Issue: August 2007, Volume 71 - Issue 261 Pages: 721-744 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2007.721
618 639

A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility, by Taner Akçam. New York: Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt & Company, 2006. x + 376 pages. Notes to p.464. Index to p.483. $ 30.00(hardback) [Kitap Tanıtımı]

Yücel Güçlü

Issue: May 2007, Volume 71 - Issue 260 Pages: 223-240
0 594

On her Majesty's Secret Service: Marlowe and Turkey*

Himmet Umunç

Issue: December 2006, Volume 70 - Issue 259 Pages: 903-918 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2006.903
616 574

Gazneli Ordusunda Görev Alan Hintliler

Erdoğan Merçi̇l

Issue: December 2006, Volume 70 - Issue 259 Pages: 833-844 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2006.833
1786 775