ISSN: 0041-4255
e-ISSN: 2791-6472

What is the Bulgarian Government Trying to Prove by Denying the Historical Facts?

Mehmet Saray

Issue: April 1988, Volume 52 - Issue 202 Pages: 183-194 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1988.183
565 616

Some Notes on the Personal and Place Names Used in the Sancak of Amid During the First Half on the Sixteenth Century

Mehmet Mehdi İlhan

Issue: April 1990, Volume 54 - Issue 209 Pages: 223-232 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1990.223
737 557

Turco-Armenian Relations in the Context of the Jewish Holocaust

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: August 1990, Volume 54 - Issue 210 Pages: 757-772 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1990.757
785 619

The Ottoman Archives and Their Importance For Historical Studies: With Special Reference to Arab Provinces

Mehmet Mehdi İlhan

Issue: August 1991, Volume 55 - Issue 213 Pages: 415-472 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1991.415
0 2770

The Protégé System in the Ottoman Empire and its Abuses

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: December 1991, Volume 55 - Issue 214 Pages: 675-686 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1991.675
0 478

The Fifth Centenary of The First Jewish Migrations to The Ottoman Empire

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: April 1992, Volume 56 - Issue 215 Pages: 207-212 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1992.207
1730 621

Determinats of Turkish Foreign Policy, 1918-1945 : Historical Perspective

Oya Akgönenç Mughisuddin

Issue: April 1993, Volume 57 - Issue 218 Pages: 249-270 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1993.249
0 1262

The Attitude of British High Commissioner Sir Horace Rumbold Towards the Turkish National Movement, 1920-1923

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: April 1994, Volume 58 - Issue 221 Pages: 185-210 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1994.185
576 1405

An 'Akhi' Genealogical Tree

Sadi Bayram

Issue: August 1994, Volume 58 - Issue 222 Pages: 311-328 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1994.311
464 680

Turco-Armenian Relations And British Propaganda During The First World War

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: August 1994, Volume 58 - Issue 222 Pages: 381-450 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1994.381
782 1388

Some Reflections on the Wahhâbiya and the Sanûsiya Movements

Talip Küçükcan

Issue: August 1997, Volume 61 - Issue 231 Pages: 321-338 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1997.321
2158 767

How The Turks of the Peloponnese were Exterminated During the Greek Rebellion?

Salâhi R. Sonyel

Issue: April 1998, Volume 62 - Issue 233 Pages: 121-136 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1998.121
8558 3447

Prevesa During The Tanzimat Era (1864-1895)

İlber Ortaylı

Issue: April 1998, Volume 62 - Issue 233 Pages: 147-156 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1998.147
449 576

Modern Greece and the Sephardim of Salonica an Overview

Albert De Vıdas

Issue: April 2000, Volume 64 - Issue 239 Pages: 161-186 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2000.161
848 888

Küçük Kaynarca Antlaşması’nda ‘Dosografa’ Kilisesi

Roderic H. Davıson

Issue: April 2000, Volume 64 - Issue 239 Pages: 213-222 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2000.213
6532 1107

Tanzimât Döneminde Bosna Hersek'te Kilise İnşa ve Onarım Faaliyetleri

Zafer Gölen

Issue: April 2001, Volume 65 - Issue 242 Pages: 215-242 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2001.215
2306 937

Osmanlı İdaresinde Vilâyet Mektupçuluğu

Ayhan Pala

Issue: April 2020, Volume 84 - Issue 299 Pages: 297-314 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2020.297
8676 1587

Quelques Remarques a Propos Des Princes Gouverneurs en Poste a Manisa

Nicolas Vatın

Issue: April 2015, Volume 79 - Issue 284 Pages: 105-124 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2015.105
0 762

Polonezköy (Adampol) (1842-1922) - Kuruluş, Tabiyet Meselesi, İmar Faaliyetleri ve Sosyal Hayat -

Hacer Topaktaş

Issue: April 2015, Volume 79 - Issue 284 Pages: 293-318 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2015.293
0 1304

Arvad; Doğu Akdeniz'de Bir Osmanlı Adası ve I. Dünya Savaşı'ndaki Fonksiyonları

Ü. Gülsüm Polat

Issue: April 2013, Volume 77 - Issue 278 Pages: 219-238 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2013.219
0 827