ISSN: 0041-4255
e-ISSN: 2791-6472

Şeyhülislâm Ahmed Ârif Hikmet Beyefendi

Mahir Aydın

Issue: April 1990, Volume 54 - Issue 209 Pages: 245-260 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.1990.245
2435 1158

FEYZULLAH EFENDİ an Ottoman Şeyhülislam (A Thesis Presented to the Department of Oriental Studies Princeton University, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy) By Sabra Follet Messervey, June 1965 [Kitap Tanıtımı]

Mesut Aydıner

Issue: August 1999, Volume 63 - Issue 237 Pages: 619-624
1374 747

İskilip Şeyh Yavsi Camii'nin Orijinal Planı Üzerine Bir Restitüsyon Denemesi

Ömer İ̇skender Tuluk

Issue: August 2003, Volume 67 - Issue 249 Pages: 447-456 DOI: 10.37879/belleten.2003.447
1772 925